Suzy Greblo
After working in Dr. Lee’s ablation lab, Suzy worked for a cryoablation company that manufactured one of the devices they researched, traveling and training on the device. She then applied for a management position in the Radiology department and served in this role for several years, followed by Information Services. Suzy is currently serving as the manager for Enterprise Analytics on a team that develops analytic solutions for lab, pharmacy, transplants and radiology.
Lab Memory
One of Fred’s areas of study was ablative technologies, including cryoablation and microwave ablation. Much of our focus at that time was on cryoablation, and Fred’s dad, Fred Senior, was also a physician who shared an interest in this technology. He would visit and do studies with us. He was such a kind and gentle man and I always enjoyed seeing him and collaborating with him. Our Fred was also just starting his work with microwave technologies that would be foundational to his inventions and business, NeuWave Medical. We also worked with contrast agents for CT, Ultrasound and MRI. I recall a study using ITG in rabbits to image liver lesions. This was before the department had gone digital – we printed hundreds of films and then posted them for readers on an old Rolloskop in the VA. The Radiologists who had kindly agreed to help read the images, were universally dismayed when they saw the volume of images they needed to go through. I was also fortunate to share the lab with Al Rappe – Navy veteran, brilliant vascular surgeon and kind, patient teacher. My years working for Fred and sharing the lab with Al were some of the most formative of my life. I look back on them with gratitude for everything I experienced and learned.