2021 Zachary Clark Radiology Research Symposium Recap

The University of Wisconsin Department of Radiology annual research symposium is dedicated to the memory of Zachary Clark MS, MD. Dr. Clark completed his undergraduate degree at UW and a Masters at Northwestern before returning to UW-Madison for his Diagnostic Radiology Residency. He had a strong interest in neuroradiology research of cerebrovascular diseases and was in the Research Honors program within the residency. The Department of Radiology dedicates their annual resident research symposium to Dr. Zachary Clark, who truly embodied the concept of the clinician researcher.  He is greatly missed by all.

The research symposium was held virtually April 29th and featured a number of fantastic presentations by UW radiology trainees. These presentations can be viewed via WebEx at this link. Continue reading to learn more about the exciting works at the symposium.

Oral Presenters

  • Allison Couillard, MD; PGY2 Diagnostic Resident; Microwave ablation as bridging to liver transplantation for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a single-center retrospective analysis
  • Edward Lawrence, MD; Abdominal Imaging Fellow; Water-soluble contrast challenge for suspected small bowel obstruction
  • Nancy Ann Little, MD; PGY2 Diagnostic Resident; Effect of Metal Speculum During Hysterosalpingography on Patient Radiation Dose
  • Petra Lovrec, MD; Molecular Imaging/PET Fellow; Metastatic Disease Response and Patterns of Recurrence in Men with High-Risk Prostate Cancer after Neo-Adjuvant Chemohormonal Therapy and Radical
  • Albert Perez, MS4; Medical Student 4; Automated Deep Learning CT-based Liver Volume Segmentation: Defining Normal and Hepatomegaly for Clinical Practice
  • John Swietlik, MD; PGY6 IR-Integrated Resident; A model-based approach to histotripsy ablation target prediction using cone beam CT and fluoroscopy
  • Charles Viers, MD; PGY3 Diagnostic Resident; Transvaginal US vs. CT in Non-pregnant Premenopausal Women presenting to the ED: Clinical Impact of the Second Examination when Both are Performed
  • Andrew Wentland, MD, PhD; Abdominal Imaging Fellow; Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Pathology-Proven Solid Renal Lesions Using Radiomics and Machine Learning

Electronic Exhibits

  • Abdul Abdelazim, MD; Abdominal Imaging Fellow; Scientific Poster; Percutaneous microwave ablation of stage T1b RCC: A single center, retrospective study
  • Michael Bergquist, MD; PGY4 Diagnostic Fellow; ScientificPoster; From Clivus to Coccyx and anywhere in between, a case presentation of a mid-cervical chordomaLonger term clinical outcomes of unilocular or multilocular cystic presacral lesions
  • Melissa Carroll, MD; Thoracic Imaging Fellow; Educational Exhibit; Intrathoracic Torsions: Twist and Shout
  • Mitchell Daun, MD; Musculoskeletal Imaging Fellow; Educational Exhibit; Imaging Diagnosis and Radiology Directed Management of Pseudomeningoceles