RSNA Approves Grant for Med Student

The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the UW Department of Radiology have joined forces to support the exciting research of Jason Chiang, a medical student and research assistant in Dr. Chris Brace’s Tumor Ablation Lab.

The RSNA Research & Education Foundation Board of Trustees approved Chiang’s application, “Development of Thrombotic Risk Function for Guiding Microwave Tumor Ablation Applicators”, for the RSNA Research Medical Student Grant. This grant will provide Chiang a $6,000 stipend, with half paid by the RSNA Research & Education Foundation, and half by the UW SMPH Department of Radiology. RSNA awards only about 25 of these matching grants per year, and this year noted, “Overall the quality of the applications was very high with several absolutely outstanding submissions. The future of the field of Radiology is secure with these physician-scientists.”

The Department of Radiology looks forward to the future of this project!

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